Our Commitment

The Board and Executive team are fully committed to establishing strategic and governance frameworks that encourage, and reward actions which build more sustainable and more successful Amotiv businesses.

We are building a culture that values Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance as integral to our identity, our operations, and how we partner with our customers and suppliers.

We have deliberately embedded ESG goals within our Portfolio Vision, which guide the strategic direction of our businesses and their day-to-day operations.

Our ESG Strategy

At the core of our ESG Strategy is a clear commitment to valuing our people, improving practices in our supply chain, caring for the environment, and serving our customers sustainably.

We see strategic value in taking genuine action in ESG areas as a means to inspire our people, attract outstanding talent, build business resilience, strengthen customer partnerships, and pursue commercial advantage. 

Furthermore, our ESG strategy aligns with the Board’s objectives of effectively managing risks and capturing commercial opportunities in a rapidly changing landscape - in particular, shifts in consumer trends and the transition to clean energy sources.

ESG strategy framework

The six Key Impact Areas prioritise Amotiv's activities, resource allocation, investment, measurement, and reporting on the topics of Health, Safety and Wellbeing; Thriving People; Sustainable Sourcing; Energy and Emissions; Electric Vehicle Transition; and, Waste

Our ESG strategy reinforces each impact area with a statement of ambition and objective targets for the mid term (2025) and long term (2030), which form an aspirational vision to inspire the performance of our businesses and our people and will form a key element of our employee value proposition. 

Progress and Impact

Amotiv has continued to make substantial progress on our ESG journey over the last year - with businesses now collectively working toward a common set of ESG goals in our key impact areas: Health, Safety and Wellbeing, Thriving People, Sustainable Sourcing, Energy and Emissions, Electric Vehicle Transition, and Waste. 

We take great pride in our focus on safety. Many of our businesses have been rated in the top quartile globally for their safety culture, demonstrating the strong commitment we have made to ensuring safety throughout our operations. We aspire to this ‘top quartile’ level of performance across all our ESG impact areas.

Future Goals and Initiatives

We have further work to do in focusing on the achievement of our stated 2025 ESG goals while building towards our long-term 2030 goals. We have implemented GreenPower purchase agreements in our distribution businesses as a step towards decarbonisation and will undertake further steps towards a carbon-neutral roadmap in our manufacturing operations. 

We are actively pursuing opportunities to build a competitive advantage by leveraging our ESG investments. In particular, we aim to be at the forefront of creating a circular economy solution for the repair, reuse, and recycling of Electric Vehicle (EV) batteries. Amotiv will continue to evolve its sustainability and climate-related reporting to align with the newly released climate and sustainability disclosure standards.

Sustainability Data

The data tables include information relevant to Health, Safety and Wellbeing; Thriving People; Sustainable Sourcing; Energy and Emissions; Electric Vehicle Transition; and, Waste. These tables are updated annually in conjunction with the release of the corresponding annual report.

Go to Sustainability Data


Our Annual Reports contain Sustainability Reviews with more detail on each of these topics. 

Sustainability Data includes information relevant to Health, Safety and Wellbeing; Thriving People; Sustainable Sourcing; Energy and Emissions; Electric Vehicle Transition; and, Waste.

Corporate Governance

At Amotiv we believe that corporate governance will allow us to be an organisation that operates effectively and efficiently to benefit our stakeholders, while being a good corporate citizen that provides benefits to all of society. 

To this end, we have adopted several Corporate Governance Policies and procedures. 

Join Us on Our Journey

We invite all our stakeholders to join us on our sustainability journey as we strive to create a positive impact for our people, the environment, and the broader community. 

Together, we can achieve our ambitious ESG goals and build a more sustainable future.