Our commitment

Amotiv is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of health and safety. By embedding safety into every aspect of our operations and actively involving all employees, we strive to create a safe and healthy work environment for everyone. Join us in our commitment to safety excellence.

Health and safety is a shared responsibility that begins at the top with the Managing Director and Board of Directors. This commitment to safety is the foremost agenda item at every Board, Executive Leadership Group, and monthly Business Review meeting. The Group Executive and the Board regularly conduct safety walks and review monthly reports covering a range of indicators, including training initiatives, audits, corrective action plans, work injuries, near misses, and other incidents.

"Each of you should recognise and understand the responsibility and actions needed in the pursuit of safety for yourself, your co-workers and anyone who comes into our workplaces. You have my commitment and support to take the right actions to enable a safe working environment, regardless of any business consequence."

Graeme Whickman, Managing Director and CEO

Comprehensive Safety Management

Our comprehensive workplace health and safety management system covers all workers and workplaces at Amotiv. Aligned with ISO 45001 and ISO 45003 Standards, our system meets legislative requirements in Australia and New Zealand and is regularly updated to adapt to our evolving business context. Key elements of our health and safety management system include:

Safety Business Plans

Each business within Amotiv has a safety business plan outlining key performance indicators, comprehensive risk factors, responsible individuals, and timelines for improving safety performance. These plans are reviewed quarterly with senior management to ensure continuous improvement.

Employee Involvement

We actively involve employees in safety decision-making through communication, consultation, and training. Health and safety committees, comprising management and worker representatives, operate in all businesses. Regular toolbox meetings are held at individual sites or departments to keep safety top of mind.

WHS Steering Committee

A Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) Steering Committee, consisting of thirty to forty management personnel, meets monthly to share information and learnings across the Group and recommend safety initiatives.

Well-Being Programs

Our well-being programs place equal emphasis on mental and physical health, supporting the holistic well-being of our employees.