Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions

Energy Consumption2

Total energy consumed [GJ]941026727
Total electricity consumed [GWh]13.814.410.33.0
Estimated GHG Emissions

Market Based

Scope 1 GHG Emissions [ktCO2e]
Scope 2 GHG Emissions (market Based) [ktCO2e]46.48.6nana
Scope 1 + Scope 2 (market based) GHG emissions [ktCO2e] 9.111.7nana
GHG Emissions Intensity Ratio (tCO2/$m revenue)5
Location Based

Scope 2 GHG Emissions (location based) [ktCO2e]
Scope 1 + Scope 2 (location based) GHG emissions [ktCO2e]9.911.69.03.7
1. Energy consumption (and calculated GHG emissions) are an aggregate of the reported energy consumption of each business.  Where invoices for the full financial year period (July to June) are not yet fully available, the calculation is based on a 12 month run-rate, data from the same month of the previous year and/or average date from a recent period.
 2. The reported electricity and energy consumed excludes electricity from on-site solar generation. Total electricity consumed is reported as the quantity of grid electricity invoiced by the electricity retailer
 3. Scope 1 refers to direct GHG emissions which include combustion of natural gas, LPG and transport fuel for company operated vehicles. Fuel combustion emission factors from the National Greenhouse Energy Reporting (Measurement) Determination are used to calculate Scope1 greenhouse gas emissions expressed as tonnes of CO2 equivalent (tCO2e).
 4. Scope 2 refers to indirect GHG emissions from the generation of purchased or acquired electricity, steam, heat and cooling. Scope 2 emissions have been calculated using market and location-based methodology. State based scope 2 electricity emission factors from the National Greenhouse Energy Reporting (Measurement) Determination 2022-23 update were used in calculations for Australian sites. Emission factors collated and reported by national governments, Carbon Footprint Initiative or published sources were used in calculations for international sites.
 5. GHG intensity ratio is calculated as the Scope 1 plus Scope 2 emissions in ktCO2e (numerator) per million Australian dollars of revenue (denominator) -  FY24 and FY23 are market-based values, FY22 and FY21 are location based values

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